Do you have children living in the house or do you spend a lot of time with your grandkids? If so, it is very important to set a good example for them when it comes to a healthy lifestyle! Be active as a family and sit down together during mealtimes. These are habits that your kids will carry with them throughout their adult lives. Remember, YOU are the most important influence on your child (or grandchild)! See below for more ways to be a role model for the kids in your life.

  1. Show by example.
  2. Go food shopping together.
  3. Get creative in the kitchen.
  4. Offer the same foods to everyone.
  5. Reward with attention, not food.
  6. Focus on each other at the table.
  7. Listen to your child or grandchild.
  8. Limit screen time.
  9. Encourage physical activity.
  10. Be a good food role model.

Here's to a healthy week!

Allison Collins, RD

Major Health Partners

Wellness Coordinator/Registered Dietitian


phone: (317) 398-5315

Source: 10 Tips for Setting Good Examples. Be a Healthy Role Model for Children handout.