If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go immediately to your nearest emergency department. Please follow the list below for specific business hours on April 8th, 2024. We will resume regular business hours the following day unless otherwise indicated.
MHP Priority Care – Will remain open for normal business hours
MHP Family & Internal Medicine – OPEN 7 AM - 12 PM on 4/8
- Walk In Clinic Hours: OPEN 8 AM - 12 PM on 4/8
- Phone Hours: 7:30 AM - 12 PM
MHP Outpatient Lab – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP Imaging – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8, Walk-Ins accepted
MHP OB/GYN – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP Pediatrics – Appointments until 12:00 PM and Walk-ins 7:30AM - 4PM on 4/8
MHP Foot & Ankle Surgery – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP FORCE Orthopedics – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP Gastroenterology - CLOSED 4/8
MHP General Surgery – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Lifestyle Medicine & Bone Health – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Medical Specialists – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Nephrology & Infectious Disease - CLOSED 4/8
MHP Oncology: CLOSED 4/8
- Medical Oncology – *For emergency patient needs after hours for Dr. Cole or Dr. Slaughter, please call the hospital at 317-392-3211 to page the oncologist.
- Radiation Oncology – *For emergency patient needs after hours for Dr. Eaton, please call 765- 281-2920.
MHP OnSite Solutions - CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP Plastic & Cosemetic Surgery - CLOSED 4/8
MHP Podiatry – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Behavioral Health – Walk-ins only from 9 AM - 10 AM on 4/8
*In case of a Behavioral Health Emergency, patients are recommended to reach out to their closest Emergency Department or call the crisis line at 988.
MHP Pulmonology – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Sleep Center – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Sports Medicine – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP SportWorks – CLOSED after 12 PM on 4/8
MHP Urology – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Wound Care – CLOSED 4/8
Supporting Offices/Depts.
MedWorks Pharmacy – Will remain open for normal business hours
Bee Unique – CLOSED 4/8
MHP Gift Shop – CLOSED 4/8
Non MHP Entities
ShelbyGo – CLOSED 4/8