Back in 2014, an internal committee at MHP called the MHP Giving Tree challenged staff members to raise $500,000 over a span of 5 years to celebrate the construction of the new MHP Medical Center on Intelliplex Drive, our current home. They crushed that goal easily with their generosity.

In 2019, we challenged them to do that again. Departments were also invited to submit project ideas for grant funding to help them do their job better for patients with our new initiative called Together We Are. No surprise...they knocked it out of the park again...but did it a year ahead of schedule.

Our group of MHP employee donors have pledged $112,379.29 through their paychecks for this year's campaign alone, bringing the grand total of donations to $1,027,663.78 since 2014.

MHP employees have raised over $1 million towards MHP's mission - all right on schedule for Major Hospital's 100 year anniversary in Shelby County.

Their drive to give is humbling, but their inventiveness for the Together We Are projects is awe-inspiring. We are thrilled to announce the approved projects for this year:

· ACC: Nursing Certification Challenge, $2,500

· ACC: Pediatric Simulation Training, $4,500

· Cardiopulmonary: Smoking Cessation Program, $6,000

· Care Management: Latinx BP Cuff Program, $3,000

· Primary Care/SDOH: Community Health Workers

· Pulmonology: Patient Nebulizers, $1,200

· Coag Clinic: Medical ID Bracelets & Cards, $500

· Clinical Nutrition: MyPlate Plates, $1,000

· Clinical Nutrition: LifeSteps Scholarships, $1,000

· Maternity Care: Safe Sleep Books, $750

· Population Health: EHR Quality Worker

We are so appreciative of ALL the great work done by MHP employees. They give their all each and every day to provide the best care to patients...sometimes in multiple ways.